::Paleo Stuff::

.Tree of Life Web Project.
.The Search for Vertebrates.
.Undergrad Research at the Burke.
.University of Washington.

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* Tuesday, December 14, 2004 *  
I find myself blogging, yet again, at the biology study center. That in itself is interesting--I loved the Geology department and their carefree atttude of acceptance and hated the Biology department and all the cutthroat premeds before this quarter; now I love the Bio dept (still hate premeds) and their challenging, professional atmosphere and I roll my eyes at the Geology Department and all their silly antics.... Well, nothing is so polar of course....

These days, when I think about paleontology, I think "how inconsequential". I think about animal behavior, and I think "how neat...." but I'm not even sticking with animal behavior. I can't stand the thought of commiting to something again and then realizing that I've again been wasting my time.

So, I've studied for my biology class a while now and I'm bored of studying. So I'm blogging. I've needed to blog for a while now, so much to talk about.

I've accepted Sean O'Donnell's offer to work for his lab, meaning I've also accepted his offer of sending me to Costa Rica. This is an unexpected turn in my life, though a nice surprise. I hope I just enjoy it. I'm already worrying. I'm dumb.

Glenn... Glenn Glenn Glenn. He has done nothing wrong but with a single phone call and an unexpected time I automatically assume that he doesn't want to see me! What idiocy (on my part)! I have to conciously reason with myself that he DOES want to see me, or he would have said "I don't want to see you today". But since he's never said that, I keep believing that if he doesn't want to see me until later in the day, he doesn't want to see me at all. So silly. (See above paragraph: "I'm dumb".) Obviously, if he says he can't see me later in the day, that means he's busy all day and that he at least wants to see me a little bit of the day rather than nothing at all. He's told me all of this, but I have a rather thick cranial plate. *knock knock* ...Ow.

The grades for my animal behavior class still haven't been posted. Dude! I took that final, like, a whole DAY ago!

Well the study center closes in 5 minutes. Damn! what am I supposed to do for the next 30 minutes before the bus comes so I can go to Bellevue?? (*little angel on shoulder*:Study! *little devil*:Bitch out the study center people and then sleep on their couch!)
Stay tuned.....
posted by Andy* | 4:38 PM

disconformity; unconventionality, informality, anomaly; peculiarity; infraction of law, eccentricity, bizarrerie, oddity, monstrosity, rarity; violation of custom, freak, freak of Nature, weirdo, violation of usage, mutant; original, nonsuch, prodigy, wonder, miracle, curiosity, flying fish, black sheep, black swan, infringement of custom, lusus naturae, rara avis, queer fish; mongrel, random breed; hybrid, tertium quid--