::Paleo Stuff::

.Tree of Life Web Project.
.The Search for Vertebrates.
.Undergrad Research at the Burke.
.University of Washington.

++Random Clutter++
The Burke Museum
Internet Movie Database
BMW, North America
Behold the Power of Cheese
Echoes Music
Pittsburgh Zoo
Darwin Awards
The Onion
Non Sequitur
Calvin and Hobbes


<< current

* Monday, December 27, 2004 *  
Just came back from the emergency room. Tired.

Stupid asthma. Oh well. Could be worse.

My back hurts!, because of the effort of breathing. The doc thought he heard something funny with my left lung after my asthma had cleared up a bit more, so I went in for a chest X-ray. More extra limbs/fire-breathing/other superpowers to look forward to! :) But the X-ray was clear, so no worries.

It's kinda neat that as I was looking at the supplies in the cabinets, I knew what they were used for, from my physiology class. Speaking of which, I got an average GPA for Autumn quarter higher than a 3.5 so I guess I made dean's list again. :)

It's been a very busy holiday and next quarter will also be very busy. I hope I have two solid days of relaxing before the quarter starts. I have my textbooks and I'm really looking forward to my sociobiology class especially.
posted by Andy* | 8:47 PM

disconformity; unconventionality, informality, anomaly; peculiarity; infraction of law, eccentricity, bizarrerie, oddity, monstrosity, rarity; violation of custom, freak, freak of Nature, weirdo, violation of usage, mutant; original, nonsuch, prodigy, wonder, miracle, curiosity, flying fish, black sheep, black swan, infringement of custom, lusus naturae, rara avis, queer fish; mongrel, random breed; hybrid, tertium quid--