::Paleo Stuff::

.Tree of Life Web Project.
.The Search for Vertebrates.
.Undergrad Research at the Burke.
.University of Washington.

++Random Clutter++
The Burke Museum
Internet Movie Database
BMW, North America
Behold the Power of Cheese
Echoes Music
Pittsburgh Zoo
Darwin Awards
The Onion
Non Sequitur
Calvin and Hobbes


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* Wednesday, October 05, 2005 *  
Well, it's been.... 8 months since I last wrote.
I am now living at my new home, with Glenn, and with Qanuk, our new puppy. I'll have to find a way to post pictures because she's really cute. I also have pictures from Costa Rica and Europe I'd like to post.

I'm also majoring in three Disciplines. It's taken a definate toll on me, mentally. I would love to just work a 9-5 job.

I think I've lost Archana as a friend. I just feel uncomfortable around her. I think she feels it, too. I don't think it's beyond salvation, though. OR at least I would tell myself that. Who knows what the future will bring.

I'm going to an Intelligent Design lecture tomorrow--a Philospoher (chair of the Phil dept) will be talking about whether it's comparable enough to be a competitor to evolutionary theory. (Damn Southern Baptists, idiotic brainwashed inbred dimwits....)

Glenn and I are definately working out of a rough patch, but everything we go through just makes us stronger. I hope it will continue this way, and that we can get to the bottom of the problem
posted by Andy* | 10:04 PM

disconformity; unconventionality, informality, anomaly; peculiarity; infraction of law, eccentricity, bizarrerie, oddity, monstrosity, rarity; violation of custom, freak, freak of Nature, weirdo, violation of usage, mutant; original, nonsuch, prodigy, wonder, miracle, curiosity, flying fish, black sheep, black swan, infringement of custom, lusus naturae, rara avis, queer fish; mongrel, random breed; hybrid, tertium quid--